Master in Innovation Management (in lingua inglese)

Module I: Innovation. Definition and Key Concepts  03.02.2023 What is innovation and how it can be declined for the benefit of modern businesses.  
Module II: Innovation in the Culture of the Company’s Organization  17.02.2023   The impact of innovation in organizational contexts. How to innovate the arrangement of companies by encouraging the evolution of skills and staff motivation.  
Module III: Open Innovation. The New Paradigm for Digital Startups.  03.03.2023 The teachings of Prof. Chesbrough applied mainly to digital projects. Innovation also faces progress.  
Module IV: Fintech. When finance and technology combine their forces.  17.03.2023 What is Fintech? What are the most popular technologies in the international financial markets?  
Module V: The Blockchain and its possible applications.  31.03.2023 How does the Blockchain work? What are its main features? Protocols and potential applications for business.  
Module VI: Big Data.The challenge of the future  14.04.2023 What is Big Data? What are their dimensions? Opportunities and benefits of the most important technological asset.  
Module VII: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.The Interaction Between the Two Approaches.  28.04.2023 The dimensions of the AI. Learning from data. Main algorithms. The models. The most useful features for the transformation of processes and products.  
Module VIII: Internet of Things. The Interconnection of Intelligent Objects. 12.05.2023 Smart home, smart building, smart city, smart factory and smart environment. The new technological paradigm for the competitiveness of businesses, public administrations and communities.  
Module IX: Cloud Manufacturing. The evolution of production processes  26.05.2023 Robotics, 3D Technologies and Industrial Internet of Things. Flexibility, scalability, efficiency and reliability of manufacturing Cloud Computing.  
Module X: The Innovation Manager and his/her functions in companies. 09.06.2023 How to manage innovation, facilitate digitalization and promote the growth of business.


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